Romanticize 25: A Spell for Trying Times
Strap in for a new moon, solar eclipse, and mercury retrograde all at once.
Hooo boy, friends—astrologically speaking, this week is a doozy. Today we’re experiencing a solar eclipse in Aries, tomorrow is a new moon in Aries, and Friday ushers in the second mercury retrograde of the year (through May 14). Prepare to feel every kinda way (and, until mid-May, don’t make any major decisions, back up all your files and work, and double-check every email and text…mercury retrograde wreaks havoc on technology and communication!)
Solar eclipses help support spiritual transformation—you’re going to feel more aware of your shadow side and deep-seated conditioning. It’s incredibly uncomfortable stuff, but the more you work to shed light on these otherwise hidden aspects, the more rapidly you’ll grow. The eclipse is a rare chance to supercharge your awareness and evolution. New moons are traditionally opportunities to clear out, set goals, and start new projects. This one, in particular, takes on the characteristics of both Aries and the eclipse—it’s a wonderful time to manifest your desires and align with your inner wisdom.
This is definitely not the week to rush or push yourself to make any decisions. Slow down, step back, take a deep breath, get some extra sleep. Shit is gonna feel wild; just get limp, go with it. Witnessing is the first step to acceptance. And in the meantime, this week’s Romanticize offers up a few ideas for rituals and spells to help you ride the waves of change.
The Romanticize
Clear your rocky astrological path with an enlightening or grounding ritual.
The Advice
If you’d like to keep things simple, some easy new moon activities include:
Cleaning and organizing your home.
Taking a bath with cleansing salts and/or nurturing herbs.
Journaling your hopes and goals for the month to come.
Making a mood board to illustrate your dreams.
Meditating with a focus on looking inward.
A simple new moon spell is to write something you’d like to release on a scrap of paper and burn it with a black candle (the color corresponds to the dark moon). Once cooled, spread the ashes outside (I like doing this at the base of a tree) and say, “I release you.” Feel your feet connecting with the earth, your shoulders lightening with the liberation of this burdensome worry.
Another idea for solidifying a new beginning: stand outside with your back to the new moon and think about a step in life you’d like to take. Imagine yourself doing this thing—how it would look and feel to be in that moment. Then, turn around to face the moon and take a big step toward it—as if you’re walking directly into your imagining. Stand for a moment with that feeling, embody it.
The Inspiration
I decided to try a new-to-me spell today, outside while it was still light (the new moon technically begins at 12:12 a.m. ET tomorrow aka Thursday the 20th, but a moon phase’s energy is still potent one day before and after). It felt right to shed a little light on the practice, considering that the solar eclipse begins tonight at 9:36 p.m. ET and this astrological time is all about looking at and deconstructing our deep issues.
In hopes of maintaining balance as I consider the seeds of new beginnings I’m planting, I placed clear quartz (for cleansing/amplifying) and black tourmaline (for energy protection and grounding) next to a lit black candle. I thought of the things I’d like to manifest in this next moon cycle as I sprinkled cinnamon (to promote abundance) into the flame.
I’d love to know the results of your Romanticize—feel free to share your experience in the comments, or tag me on Instagram. Until next Wednesday, fellow romantics!
I love “witnessing is the first step to acceptance” So true. The I Ching oracle advised me to take everything slow and in good orderly direction and that I’m stepping into an incredibly powerful phase. It corresponded so well with your helpful and timely missive