Look, Marie Kondo I am decidedly not. I love to be surrounded by clutter, tchotchkes, patterns on top of patterns—to me, they create a home that makes me feel held. And I have this thing for physical media—specifically, books. Their weight in my hands, their smell. It’s very difficult for me to get rid of a novel that I even mildly enjoy, which tends to result in sagging, groaning shelves and stack-laden corners. So, though I’m no proponent of massive spring cleans and minimalist aesthetics, I recognize the magical power of tidying up ever so slightly, for practical reasons. Today’s Romanticize will help all of us lighten our biblio-loads and donate those reads to folks who’ll appreciate them. Because books should live out in the world!
The Romanticize
Donate bookshelf items you no longer need.
The Advice
I’m not telling you to throw yourself into a regret spiral for getting rid of something you love—just ask yourself, very critically, if each book on your shelf is something you’ll realistically read again, reference often, or lend to a friend. If you can’t answer for sure, just keep it.
Little Free Libraries are my favorite book donation spots. I’ll often toss a tome or two that I’m looking to unload into my car’s passenger seat so I can drop them into one whenever I happen to pass. Their website has a super helpful location map so you can find donation spots near you. Or you could start your own!
Other excellent book donation locations: a nearby library, shelters, Goodwill/The Salvation Army, retirement homes, prison book programs, and book donation bins (just do some research to make sure the bin owners aren’t for-profit organizations).
The Inspiration
I did a massive overhaul of my three major bookshelves over the summer, so, blessedly, this time I wasn’t crushed by the unbearable weight of my favorite hobby. After scouring my window, bedroom, and desk shelves, I culled a reasonable 13 volumes.
I brought the pristine hardcover items (including a few cookbooks I never crack open) to my local library, then popped around the corner to add the rest into a particularly adorable Little Free Library in the nearby town. I’m feeling lighter already! Though now all I see in the cleared-away spaces is room for more books…
I’d love to know the results of your Romanticize—feel free to share your experience in the comments, or tag me on Instagram. Until next Wednesday, fellow romantics!