Romanticize 12: A New Year's Observance
My tried and true favorite ritual for ushering in a fresh start.
I don’t really subscribe to resolutions (why set yourself up to fail?) or anything too lofty when it comes to ringing in a new year. Where I live, the start of January just means you’re still three dark, cold, colorless months away from spring—simply getting through them with your sanity intact is challenge enough. But it does feel nice to mark the moment of shifting into a new calendar year, either by enumerating the things you’re letting go of or those you’re attracting (or both!) Today’s Romanticize details how to do this using a simple New Year’s ritual I love.
The Romanticize
Make a New Year’s release list.
The Advice
The idea of this is to sit down and really think about the things you’re either leaving behind or looking forward to in the New Year; the things you want to release into the universe through either shedding or drawing in.
Get real cozy while you do this, so the act of thinking and writing things down becomes almost meditative—sit in a comfy chair, light a candle, play some calming music. Use a beautiful piece of paper and a pen you love.
Once your list is complete grab a fire-proof vessel and matches or a lighter, and go outside (someplace safe and legal to light a small fire, please!) Fold the sheet, sit with it pressed to your chest for a moment, and imagine that the paper is a white light pulsing to the beat of your heart. Place it in the vessel, light it, and say, “I release,” “I attract,” or “I am releasing, I am attracting” (depending on the content of your list). Think of all the wonderful things that are coming your way in the New Year; let the gratitude fill you with that same pulsing white light, and thank the universe for always bringing exactly what you need your way.
The Inspiration
I sat by the fire to write my list, the crackles, whines, and pops of the wood and hot coals my only soundtrack. Using a gold gel pen that makes everything I write seem more magical, I divided the paper into two columns—one for “From” and another for “To,” to delineate what I’d like to leave behind in 2022 and what I’m hoping finds me in 2023.
Once my (very thorough) lists were complete, I headed into the backyard to sit beneath one of my favorite old trees and meditate with the list. Then I burned it in my cauldron and (once cooled) spread the ashes at the foot of the tree. This past year has been one of my most challenging ever, and I hope the trials were in service of molding me into a person prepared for all the abundance and success in store. Come on, 2023!
I’d love to know the results of your Romanticize—feel free to share your experience in the comments, or tag me on Instagram. Until next Wednesday, fellow romantics!